Phone area code of Natchitoches, Louisiana

What is the area code 318? It is the city phone code of Natchitoches, Louisiana for calling from landline phones, mobiles, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Skype. Natchitoches city area phone code is 318, dial code is +1 318

Area city code of Natchitoches, Louisiana – 318

How to call from mobiles to landline phones in Natchitoches, Louisiana?

No problems appear when calling from a mobile to a mobile phone in any city in USA. But, when it’s needed to ring up to a landline phone, everybody wonders, what is the telephone code of Natchitoches? To help our visitors to solve this problem faster, the team has created a catalog of codes for all Canadian cities for calls to a landline phone from WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Skype, a mobile, or a landline.

So, for a call from a cell phone to a landline one, you need to dial +1 (country code), then Natchitoches’s code 318, and the phone subscriber number.

How to call from overseas from a landline to a landline phone in Natchitoches , Louisiana?

To make calls from any country to Natchitoches, you need to dial:

  • access to an international line in your country
  • dial the country code of USA - 1
  • enter the area code – 318
  • dial the landline number

For calls from Germany to Natchitoches, you need to dial: 1-318 and the subscriber number

You may skip the exit code dealing to landline numbers in the USA from some countries (the members of The North American Numbering Plan, for example, Canada). Thus, for a call from Canada, the code will be 1-318 and the subscriber number.

How to call from abroad from a mobile, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype to a landline phone in Natchitoches, Louisiana?

You need to dial +1 - 318 - (the phone number) for calls from any country from a mobile to a landline phone in Natchitoches.

How to call from overseas from a mobile to a mobile phone in Natchitoches , Louisiana?

In this case, you only need to dial +1 and the subscriber number of the mobile operator in USA.

But, for some countries for calls to a mobile number in the USA, on the contrary, you need to add the exit and the cell codes (from Canada: 011-1-10- the subscriber number).